European Year Of Youth

It was in 1983 that the European Parliament proclaimed the first European Year by means of a Directive. Through this kind of campaign, the European Union seeks to enrich the awareness of its citizens on a specific theme that has a direct impact on their lives. In 1983, the European Year had an economic theme, focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the craft sector; this year, the theme chosen is skills. From 9 May - Europe Day - until 8 May 2024, various events and activities will be held throughout the European Union to promote the acquisition of vocational skills and to help the business sector to address the weaknesses related to vocational skills. Since last year, our partnerships network, through the Meteversing Project, has been aligned with the goals of the most recent European Days campaigns: the European Year of Youth and the European Year of Skills. The European Year of Youth aimed to involve young people in shaping the future of Europe and to integrate their perspective into policy-making at local, regional, national and EU levels. The main ambition of the EYY was to put young people at the center of the stage, to increase their participation, to listen to what they have to say and to act accordingly. The 4 objectives of the European Year of Youth: 1. To renew positive perspectives for young people, highlighting the opportunities offered by the environmental and digital transitions. 2. To support young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, to become active and engaged citizens and agents of change. 3. Promote opportunities for young people at all levels. 4. Promote the inclusion of a youth perspective in all relevant policies and issues. The report will provide the EU institutions with further information on the implementation and results of the European Year of Youth. It will provide an overview of the main actions and activities carried out in the framework of the Year. Image 1 To support the objectives of the European Youth Year and to amplify this dialogue and foster a sense of connection, the Metaversing Project spearheaded a series of events dedicated to disseminating the European Year of Youth. These events harnessed the power of the Metaverse, creating immersive and interactive virtual spaces where young individuals could not only express their thoughts but also actively participate in shaping the discourse surrounding their future. Our main objective was to provide a platform for meaningful conversations, where young people's voices were heard, and making them active citizens, both in their community and in the virtual world. The events addressed various aspects of the challenges facing young people, from education and employment to mental health and social well-being. As we embarked on this journey within the Metaverse, young people from diverse backgrounds joined us in shaping the narrative of the European Year of Youth. Together, we built a future that reflected the aspirations and resilience of the younger generations.